Category: Pictures

  • Uncharted: The Lost Legacy – Photos

    The Uncharted games from Naughty Dog are always beautiful. The Photo Mode in the game give me an opportunity to show off some of the work by the very talented artists, programmers and developers. [flickr_set id=”72157661008257628″]

  • The Last of Us Photos

    Naughty Dog, the game developers, make truly stunning games. I’ve been a fan since the first Uncharted arrived on the Playstation 3. With their most recent games they have introduced a photo mode. This allows players to pause the game and compose an image using camera controls and various image filters (I’m a big fan…

  • Classic Christmas Card

    Whilst rummaging through some stuff, I found this old Christmas card that I made. It must have been from around 1998. I should also have some other designs from that year. However, they are probably on an old floppy disk for my Amiga. Maybe I’ll have to dust off the machine to take a look.

  • Random Spaceship

  • More?!

  • Christmas Art

    As usual at this time of year I have been designing Christmas cards for friends and family.  However, I also completed two additional little Christmas design projects. Firstly, I was asked if I’d like to contribute a picture for the Skwigly web site advent calendar.  It seemed like a bit of fun, so I accepted. …