Look! It’s my new web site featuring the old web site! It’s got a more accurate and descriptive name too! So no more will you have to wonder why the old web site was called Subtraction.
Yes, you may notice that although it looks a lot different to my old site it still mostly contains all the old web site content. So you can still marvel at all those unfinished projects that I mentioned years ago. For those of you who miss the charms of Subtraction I have recreated the entire site here as well. Just take a look at the links at the top of this page. It took some doing as the original site was never designed for this blog-like structure. So please forgive any odd formatting quirks. But please let me know if you find any dead links. There’s sure to be some I’ve missed.
Anyway, back to the new. The idea is to really try to keep this one updated with my own bits and pieces of creativity as well as any other things that I think may be of interest. So lets see how I get on.
Oh and feel free to contact me if you want.
All the best,