Category: Links

  • Charlie Harper Book

    Charlie Harper Book

    Hello Yes, yes, I know it’s been another age since my last post. I’m sorry. Thanks to David Evans for nagging me about it. I plan to add a couple of extra things to the site soon. In the meantime here is a little book recommendation for you. In fact it’s a BIG book recommendation.…

  • Blogoyo


    From French animation to Spanish. This time it is the famous children’s animation Pocoyo. The creators have started an official blog looking back at the production of the series and behind the scenes information. Check it out.

  • My French is rubbish

    My French is rubbish

    A recent trip to France confirmed to me that I have forgotten most of what I ever learnt in GCSE French. Luckily the people we were visiting spoke very good English. Of course this just made me feel even more stupid. Now here is some French animation to rub it in further. Follow the link…

  • Blogs Away!

    Blogs Away!

    There has been a rash of new animation Blogs recently. Many of which have been created by the talented people at Uli Meyer Animation Studio. So here’s a list of links for you to peruse. Uli Meyer Matt Jones Gerben Steenks Joan Cabot John Nevarez Hans Bacher Stephanie Choi Marco Allard Stephane Kardos Neil Ross…

  • Book Recommendations

    Book Recommendations

    It was Christmas recently… well… two months ago. Doesn’t time fly. Anyway, I got some lovely books which I thought I would recommend to you, the viewing reader. Animation Now!: This book gives an overview of the animation industry around the world. It profiles around 80 studios and artists. It contains loads of large colour…

  • Links of Interest

    Links of Interest Whilst looking for a suitable font for a project I came across this site. It is the web site of John Martz, an illustrator. I really like his illustration style. You can also visit his Blog site at Aardman’s new web site is finally online. It has been in development for at…